Online Resources

The Road to Civil War Timeline

1860 U.S. Demographics Interactive Map

Article - Origins of the American Civil War

Article - Slavery in the United States 
Website - Slavery in the North

Article -  Abolitionism (international)

Article -  Abolitionism in the United States

List of U.S. Abolitionists and Abolitionist Groups

List of U.S. Slave Court Cases

List of U.S. Presidents   

List of U.S. Congresses

List of U.S. Supreme Court justices

Supreme Court Justices during the Lincoln administration

Territorial Expansion of the United States

List of Incorporated Territories in the United States

List of U.S. States by Admission Date

List of U.S. Protectionist Tariffs

1860 Census free/slave populations

Article - Evaluation of Georgia secession  (Georgia Historical Society)   

Article - Turley, Jonathan.  Uncivil Action, Was Lincoln Wrong on Secession?

Article - The Ownership of Fort Sumter in 1861

APUSH website - The Politics of Sectionalism

Article - Reflections on David Potter's The Impending Crisis, part 1  (includes some Civil War historiography)  part 2 

Primary Sources (website collections):

American Civil War documents

Causes of the Civil War  (collected primary sources) 

University of Michigan searchable library of government documents 

Documenting the American South @ U.N.C.

Cornell University:  Samuel J. May antislavery collection

Library of Congress (LOC) Missouri Compromise sources

LOC Nullification Proclamation

LOC Compromise of 1850 sources  
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

LOC Kansas-Nebraska Act sources

LOC Dred Scott Decision sources

Article on Bleeding Kansas primary sources

The Attack on Fort Sumter official sources

Primary Sources - Pre-secession (individual):

Fitzhugh, George. Sociology for the South, or the Failure of Free Society  (1854)  HTML text

Fitzhugh, George.  Cannibals All!, or Slaves without Masters  (1857)  HTML text

"Failure of Free Societies"  (review of Sociology for the SouthSouthern Literary Messenger, March 1855.  (gif images)

Douglass, Frederick.  Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, by Frederick Douglas - Written by Himself  (1845)  (online HTML text)

Craft, Ellen and William.  Running A Thousand Miles for Freedom  (1860)  (online HTML text)

Jackson, Andrew. Proclamation Regarding Nullification, 1832.  

Stowe, Harriet BeecherUncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly  (1852)  (online text)

Hentz, Caroline Lee. The Planter's Northern Bride  (1852)  (A pro-slavery response to Uncle Tom's Cabin)

Helper, Hinton RolandThe Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It  (online 1859 compendium version) 

Mitchell, William M. The Under-Ground Railroad  (1852) (text)

Still, WilliamThe Underground Railroad  (1872) (text)

1860 Slave state slave owner statistics

Harper's Weekly 1861 - 1865   (New York)

Debow's Review 1846 - 1869   (Louisiana)

Valley of the Shadow website (Franklin Co, Pa & Augusta Co, Va)

Primary Sources - Secession (individual):

Declarations of Causes of Secession of Five States (SC,MS,TX,GA,VA) 

Secession Quick Quotes

Secession Commissioners 

Florida Declarations of Causes of Secession 

Tally of Secession Causes

Lawrence Keitt:  On Denying Tariffs as a Secession Cause

Albert Gallatin Brown:  On the Expansion of Slavery

Notes of the Georgia secession conference

Notes of the Virginia secession conference






Missouri (1861).


North Carolina.

South Carolina.

Tennessee Special Assembly.



R.B. Rhett's "The Ad-dress of the people of South Carolina, assembled in Convention, to the people of the Slaveholding States of the United States"

Robert Toombs Farewell to Congress speech

L. W. Spratt  (ed. Charleston Mercury)  "The Philosophy of Secession, a Southern View"
Comparison of the U.S. Constitution and the Confederate Constitution

Abraham Lincoln Papers

Lincoln, Abraham.  Speeches and Writings website

Lincoln, Abraham.  Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Ill.  Jan. 27, 1837

Lincoln, Abraham.  Peoria, Illinois Speech  Oct. 16, 1854

Lincoln, Abraham.  House Divided Speech  June 16, 1858

Lincoln-Douglas Debates (online text)  Autumn, 1858

Lincoln, Abraham.  Cooper Union Address  Feb. 27, 1860

Video - Sam Waterston as Abraham Lincoln delivering the Cooper Union Address  (1 hr 30 min)

Lincoln, Abraham.  First Inaugural Address  March 4, 1861

N.Y.. Times article, May 16, 1861, Fugitive Slave data from 1860 census

Online Documentaries

The Election of 1860 and the Road to Disunion:  A crash course  (14 min)

The Abolitionists  (American Experience) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3  (2 hours, 45 min)

Abolitionists  (1820s - 1838, 1838 - 1854, 1854 - Emancipation) 

Online Lectures

The Civil War and Reconstruction with David Blight  (Yale Lecture Series, 27 fifty minute videos)

"I will be heard:  The Legacy of William Lloyd Garrison and the Liberator"  (43 mins)  


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