1. The United States at Midcentury - 41
Industrialization, manufacturing,
Water driven woodworking, metalworking mills
The market economy, sustained economic growth
93% of patents came from the North
95% literacy (north) 75% school enrollment / 80% literacy (white southerners) 10% (slaves)
Urbanization in the North
Transportation Revolution: canals, steamboats, trains
Increased newspapers / the telegraph
Finance, especially banks
The Second Great Awakening
Antebellum Reform Movements - abolitionism, women's rights, temperance,
poverty, education, prison reform
Utopian communities
Universal white male suffrage
Women workers / Cult of domesticity / familial love
Free labor vs. slave labor ideologies
Westward expansion, Mormons, Indians
2. Mexico will Poison Us - 31
Missouri Compromise
3. An Empire for Slavery - 31
Fugitive Slave Law
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Southern economy, James B. D. De bow (economic diversification)
Filibustering (104 - 116)
4. Slavery, Rum, and Romanism - 39
Election of 1852
Kansas-Nebraska Act (121 - 130)
Nativism (131 - 144)
5. The Crime Against Kansas - 25
Bleeding Kansas
6. Mudsills and Greasy Mechanics for A. Lincoln - 32
The Dred Scott Decision
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
The Panic of 1857 - 1858 (Tariffs, land grants, western railroads, college acts)
Three land grant measures: Homestead, railroad, college
The spitting of Stephen Douglas and the southern Democrats
Slave labor ideology: "Mudsills" and George Fitzhugh's books
Free labor ideology: Lincoln, Seward
Hinton Rowan Helper and Roger Sherman
7. The Revolution of 1860 - 32
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry (p. 203 - 213)
The Political Party Conventions
The Presidential Campaign and the 1860 Election
8. The Counterrevolution of 1861 - 42
The Confederate position on secession
The Union position on secession
The Fort Sumter Attack
9. Facing Both Ways: The Upper South's Dilemma - 32
The secession of Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina & Tennessee
The four border states
Western (West) Virginia
East Tennessee
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